Even during an economic strife, the construction industry has faced a steady incline over the last 10 years, but that isn’t the only benefit of choosing a career in this field.
Strong Job Security
Regardless of how the economy shifts, construction will always be needed, which is a huge reason why the industry faced a steady incline even in the wake of an economic strife. In fact, construction workers can expect an 11% increase in jobs before 2028, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
No Degree Needed – Learn on the Job
A huge advantage of construction careers, including careers at Dakota Underground, is the fact that they don’t require college degrees. Your education happens on the job site, and it comes without the hefty cost of a 4-year degree—which also means no student debt. You can start as a laborer, learn on the job and move your way up from there. Our people are rewarded for learning the business from the ground of, and we’re proud of our reputation of promotion from within the company.
Earn a Good Living
It’s a common misconception that jobs that don’t require college degrees are jobs that don’t pay well. But our people—even our entry-level laborers—make good money (not to mention the invaluable bonus of having no student loan debt). Construction is the second-fastest growing industry in the U.S., and the increased demand for construction workers will likely push wages even higher over the next ten years.